Taxes, taxes, taxes. Around this time of year, taxes seem to be all you can think about. But even if they are constantly on your mind, it’s easy to miss the window when you are supposed to file the paperwork. What happens if you miss the deadline to file your tax return? It’s time to file a tax extension. This is easier said than done, so we’ve gathered the crucial info you need to file a tax extension and get that tax return submitted. When would you need to file a tax extension? Life happens. You may be busy with the kids’ school activities. You might be facing a family emergency that requires all your attention for a long period of time. Or you could simply get distracted and forget to file your tax return at the appropriate time. The IRS has laid out three main rules to remember as you look into filing a tax extension: An extension of time to file your return does not grant an extension of time to actually pay your taxes. Be careful to pay any owed taxes by the regular deadline to avoid penalties. File your tax extension request no later than the regular due date of your return. As long as you remember these basic principles, you should be able to apply for a tax extension and get a second chance to file your tax return paperwork. These forms you need for a tax extension are fairly straightforward. However, special rules may …
Editor’s note: This post was originally published February 23, 2022, and has been updated for accuracy, comprehensiveness and freshness on October 15, 2024. You’ve likely heard the term “Power of Attorney” (POA) many times. But do you really need a Power of Attorney? In a world where unexpected situations can arise at any moment, understanding the …